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EPA scientists have documented that chlorpyrifos can cause serious and profound neurological and respiratory damage, as well as developmental delays, autism and IQ loss for children  even in very small doses, say the activists. They maintain that the use of chlorpyrifos is particularly problematic in California, where more than one million pounds of the neurotoxic organophosphate pesticide are used each year, much of it in close proximity to schools and residences. Accounting for roughly 10% of the nationwide total, this chemical is applied on dozens of crops in the state. In the Monterey Bay Area, chlorpyrifos is most heavily used on wine grapes, Brussels sprouts, and apple orchards. In 2016, the air monitor at the Salinas Airport registered average air levels of chlorpyrifos three times higher than the EPAs target risk level.

According to Californians for Pesticide Reform (CPR), a statewide coalition of more than 190 organizations, after years of stalling, EPA was set to implement a ban on chlorpyrifos use on food crops in March. But under intense pressure from Dow Chemical, the largest manufacturer of the neurotoxic pesticide, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt reversed the agencys plan and announced he was allowing continued agricultural use of chlorpyrifos.

In 2000 the science was known that chlorpyrifos was extremely harmful to developing brains and bodies, and it was banned for residential use. But nowadays it is not banned for agricultural use, and its still being used in our fields.

The reason that the EPA was banning it was not only for food residues, but for how much is in the air. Theres also no safe amount of chlorpyrifos in drinking water, and it has contaminated a lot of our water supplies as well. So the danger is on all fronts, but especially for women of childbearing age and young children. The reason that the EPA was banning it was not only for food residues, but for how much is in the air. Theres also no safe amount of chlorpyrifos in drinking water, and it has contaminated a lot of our water supplies as well. So the danger is on all fronts, but especially for women of childbearing age and young children. The reason that the EPA was banning it was not only for food residues, but for how much is in the air. Theres also no safe amount of chlorpyrifos in drinking water, and it has contaminated a lot of our water supplies as well. So the danger is on all fronts, but especially for women of childbearing age and young children.

Chlorpyrifos is made by Dow Chemical. The CEO of Dow chemical had a photo-op with the president in the white house and contributed a million dollars to the inauguration dinner. Could anyone doubt that the decision to call off the ban on chlorpyrifos isnt political.

Since the government wont protect you so it is up to you to protect yourself. Your body has the ability to process toxins according to that encoded in our DNA. In other words, the ability to process toxins is not the same for each of us. All the more reason to be sure that you enhance and not inhibit what level of ability is built into yoursoftware. I send this message periodically. The software is mostly contained in the liver and the detoxification process involves many organs, nerves and hormones. This is run and dependent on nutrients. It is clear that the detoxification process runs on overtime due to the toxic environment, so the nutrients necessary for this process are being used at a high rate. If you get the necessary nutrients in adequate amounts from your diet, the process runs well and keeps the toxic load at an acceptable low level. Unfortunately, with processed food, depleted soils and less than adequate choices, nutrients are inadequate and toxins build up to unacceptable levels and the risk for illness goes up and symptoms and illness often appear.

Like a car, without gas in the tank, the engine wont run.

Make sure your engine is running on high, keep your gas tank full. Bioresonance is the most accurate method of determining toxic load and nutrient need.

Dr. Jackson- 40 Years experience with bioresonance testing.